100 ﷼ Services
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Ad number: 4540
added in: 17/10/2024
selling price: 100 ﷼
the condition: new
Location: Kingdom Saudi Arabia
Views: 161
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Finishing exterior facades for villas in Riyadh 0551033861
Finishing exterior facades for villas in Riyadh 0551033861
We specialize in finishing the exterior facades of villas in Riyadh. We have a long track record of successful projects with the testimony of previous clients, which indicates the quality of the services provided by us and the resources we rely on. We also have a professional and qualified work team with extensive experience and high efficiency in decoration works and various designs..
We continuously offer a wide range of the latest designs of modern villas, whether related to external decoration or interior decoration, to suit your own taste and the surrounding environment of the villa..
We are also committed to realizing our projects and delivering them to customers on the previously agreed upon dates, which confirms the accuracy of Madar Al Arab Foundation in its work..
We always strive to develop our business and provide creative solutions that help our customers make optimal use of all spaces. We rely on our designs to use high-quality materials to ensure achieving the best results that will last with you for as long as possible..
We show you in general the types of external facade finishing for villas in Riyadh:
Granite facades of villas
Granite is considered one of the best facades used by people with good taste in villas due to the many features it possesses.
It is well resistant to high temperatures.
نظراً لكونه تم تصنيعه في درجات حرارة مرتفعة مما يجعل من الصعب كسره.
علاوة على ذلك انه يتسم بسهولة التنظيف بدون اللجوء إلى مساعدة الأشخاص من ذوي الخبرة.
واجهات حجر المايكا
Mica stone facades are considered one of the best facades that are currently used to decorate villas and give them an aesthetic appearance because of its many advantages that we will review.:
يتناسب حجر المايكا مع نوعية الأثاث التي يتم استخدامها داخل الفيلات.
هذا بالإضافة إلى تعدد ألوانها وتصميماتها الفريدة من نوعها.
Moreover, it is easy to clean and can withstand possible weather changes.
Which may occur from rain and high temperatures.
Marble facades of villas
If the client chooses facades made of marble, he must choose good quality that has the ability to withstand the possible climatic conditions to which homes and villas are exposed..
Facades made of Hashema stone
Al-Hashima stone is one of the best types of decoration used in designing the facades of large buildings and large houses, not just villas, due to its characteristic...:
الألوان المبهرة المبهجة التي تتناسب مع أذواق جميع العملاء.
تستخدم الأحجار الطبيعية في تزيين واجهات الفيلات.
يحتوي على الكثير من التصميمات الرائعة .
We are considered one of the best companies for installing glass facades in Riyadh, and we design modern villa facades in Riyadh, designs that add beauty and luxury. .
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Building colors from the outside
Graphite house facade colors
Finishing external facades
External facade finishes
Exterior designs for modern villas
External building designs
External facade designs
Design of external interfaces
Designing exterior facades of restaurants
External interface design
External interfaces
مصمم واجهات خارجية
أجمل الوان واجهات المنازل الخارجية
أنواع الواجهات الخارجية للمنازل
اسوار بيوت خارجية
اسوار فلل كلاسيك
اسوار فلل مودرن
اشكال عمائر خارجيه
اشكال عماير خارجيه
External facade of houses
Facade contractor
Cladding contractor
External facades of villas
مصمم واجهات خارجية
اسوار بيوت خارجية
اسوار فلل كلاسيك
اسوار فلل مودرن
Exterior designs for modern villas
External building designs
External wall facades
External facades of villas
Modern exterior facades
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100 ﷼