An electronic book(Atheism in the present era and the position of the Islamic faith towards it)
An electronic book(Atheism in the present era and the position of the Islamic faith towards it)
An electronic book(Atheism in the present era and the position of the Islamic faith towards it)Department of Doctrine .
Atheism in the present era
And the position of the Islamic faith on it
An analytical study
Written by Dr:
Abdul Aziz Saad Al-Mohammadi
Book summary
Atheists spread in this era, until atheism became a bad phenomenon in the world in general, and in Islamic societies in particular.
Therefore; This analytical study aims to know the concept of atheism, the history of the phenomenon of contemporary atheism, the types of contemporary atheistic doctrines, as well as the causes of atheism in the present era, and its effects on the lives of nations and societies, and thus present Islamic solutions to the phenomenon of atheism, strategies for combating it, and responding to the suspicions of atheists, through the position of belief. Islamic doctrines. The study focused on four contemporary atheistic schools of thought: Which: الشيوعية، والماسونية، والعلمانية، and existence.
The researcher used the descriptive analytical method in this study, which is concerned with describing the various aspects and dimensions of the phenomenon of atheism in the present era, with the aim of arriving at a proposed vision for mechanisms to limit this phenomenon..
وأسفرت أهم نتائج الدراسة عن أن الإلحاد يعني الميل عن دين الله وعن الطريق المرسوم؛ لأنه يعني التكذيب للعقيدة، وقد نشأ الإلحاد منذ القدم في أعماق التاريخ، واستمر في اليونان وأوروبا قبل الميلاد وفي العصر الروماني، وفي عهود الجاهلية العربية ثم في أوروبا في العصور الوسطى، وامتد في عصر الثورة الصناعية، ثم ظهر الإلحاد في صدر الإسلام، وتحديدًا في العصر العباسي، واستمر الإلحاد وإنكار وجود الله عبر العصور حتى يومنا هذا.
The study also found:- Until the most important causes of atheism in the present era are:: The European Church, the injustices of the capitalist world, the emergence of atheistic economic doctrines, the association of atheism with material power, the weakness of the educational system for young people, and contemporary scientific and intellectual reasons..
As for the most important negative effects of contemporary atheism: She is: القلق والصراع النفسي، والأنانية والفردية وفقدان الوازع الديني والنزوع إلى الإجرام، وهدم النظام الأسري، وتخريب المجتمعات، والإجرام السياسي، وبناء عليه؛ قدمت الدراسة الحلول الإسلامية لمعالجة تلك الظاهرة الفاسدة.
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